News The Building Blocks of Enclosure Evaluation

Publications  |  Facilities Management Journal, May/June 2021

The Building Blocks of Enclosure Evaluation

Building owners and managers have a responsibility to maintain their facilities in a safe and operational condition. A major component of any building is the building enclosure, which is the physical separator between the exterior and interior environment (roofs, wall, window, doors, and waterproofing).

Maintaining the building enclosure requires a systematic evaluation to assess the condition of each building component and to determine the required repairs and system replacements, both now and in the future, to maintain each system. Proper maintenance and prompt repairs can reduce the potential for future leaks or deficiencies and can ultimately extend the service life of the building. Whether the intent is to address a known existing concern or to perform an assessment to identify the condition of the various enclosure systems to project future work and funding needs, the following approach can provide a framework for the evaluation procedures and potential test methods to consider. Additionally, published industry standards, such as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) evaluation, practice, and test methods, should be consulted for various steps in the process.

Continue reading The Building Blocks of Enclosure Evaluation on FMJ’s website.

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