Town of Chester 1
Town of Chester 2
Town of Chester 3
Town of Chester 4

Chester, NH

Town of Chester, NH, Emergency Culvert Repplacement

  • Civil Engineering
  • Civil Engineering

Candia Road Culvert Design, Permitting and Construction Services

An existing 24-inch corrugate metal pipe (CMP) culvert located along Lane Road in Chester, NH flooded due to a failed beaver dam, unknown to the Town, located up-gradient from the culvert crossing.  The Town of Chester is requesting emergency assistance from Gale to prepare design plans, file an emergency permit with State Agencies, and collaborate with their on-call contractor to repair the washed-out stream crossing.  Repairs included, installation of erosion control and water diversion measures, excavation of unsuitable material, installation of pre-cast concrete inlet and outlet headwalls and an up-sized 36-inch double-walled (corrugated exterior / smooth interior) HDPE culvert, placement of riprap inlet and outlet protection stone, and construction of associated roadway infrastructure (i.e., embankment, gravel subbase, pavement surface, and vegetated side-slope).  All work was performed in accordance with the Best Management Practices for Routine Roadway Maintenance Activities in New Hampshire. The roadway returned to full service within 2-weeks of the failure