Hurricane Preparation – It’s All in the Planning!

According to NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center, we are again likely to experience an above-normal Atlantic hurricane season. Tropical cyclones (or hurricanes) are the costliest disasters in the U.S. Since 1980, they have cost over $1.1 trillion in total, with an average cost of $20.5 billion per event. They are also responsible for the highest number of deaths from natural disasters – 6,697 between 1980 and 2021. (

This presentation will detail the steps facility managers can take to reduce the potential damages to buildings prior to a hurricane event. The presentation will include how to develop a hurricane plan, determine the conditions that will activate the plan, and assign personnel to the emergency preparations. The presenters will discuss steps that a facility manager can take in the aftermath of a hurricane, including evaluating the building and grounds for damage, managing repairs, and coordinating with insurance adjusters, FEMA, and building occupants.

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